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Skin Barrier UV Aftercare Botanical Serum

Skin Barrier UV Aftercare Botanical Serum

The serum everyone’s been craving for

Redovna cijena €63,00
Redovna cijena €63,00 Prodajna cijena
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Blending century-old Italian traditions with latest French science, this formula provides everything sun-exposed skin needs to feel unyieldingly revitalized.

Get instantly soft, smooth and irresistibly touchable sensation while soothing blend of Immortelle, Lady’s Bedstraw and Rosehip regenerates, clears and deeply rejuvanate your skin.

Skin Barrier UV Aftercare Botanical Serum

Redovna cijena €63,00
Redovna cijena €63,00 Prodajna cijena
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Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Seed Oil, Plant derived Squalane (Squalane), Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) CO2 Seed Extract, Juglans Regia (Walnut) Seed Oil, Galium Verum (Lady's Bedstraw) Flower Oil, Helichrysum Italicum (Immortelle) Plant Oil, Hippophae Rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn) Fruit Oil, Hippophae Rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn) Seed Oil, Calendula Officinalis (Calendula) CO2 Flower Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) CO2 Leaf Extract, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Tocopherols (Vitamin E)

Science behind it

French scientists have recently found out that Neryl Acetate, an ingredient of Mediterranean plant Immortelle, targets genes IVL and CER31.

These are responsible for repairing damaged skin cells and production of skin-identical lipids, like ceramides and FFAs.

And Immortelle can boost their production by 106%. That's more than double on the side of healthy skin! 

It's a 100% natural way to soothe sensitive skin and promote the generation of new, healthy skin cells to replace damaged ones.

These studies on Immortelle were inspired by Dr. Alessandra Moro Buronzo, an Italian scientist who discovered Immortelle can contribute to skin rejuvenation by affecting the expression of genes related to skin health and aging.

  • Bez okrutnosti
  • Potpuno prirodno
  • Bez sulfata i silikona
  • Proizvedeno u Hrvatskoj
  • Vegan
  • 2% profita doniramo azilima
Prikaži sve pojedinosti

How to Use:

1. Apply to damp skin after cleansing and before moisturiser. 

2. If using an AHA or BHA Exfoliator, apply the serum after,  followed by moisturiser.

Why SPF is sometimes not enough?

Sun protection used to be a phenomenal safeguard for our skin until UV levels reached an all-time high, causing SPF protection to deteriorate more rapidly than ever before.

So nowadays those who live in area with high UV levels needs more than just a sunscreen to avoid dryness, discomfort, uneven tone and heightened skin reactivity.

And that’s why we created Q&G Skin Barrier UV Aftercare Botanical Serum with Mediterranean plant Immortelle—to allow for a perfect companion after sun exposure, while helping to revitalize UV-compromised skin and its protective barrier.

How it works

It works by fine-tuning sun affected skin epigenome so it can allow for production of fresh, healthy skin cells to replace compromised ones - which leads to boosts in hydration, improved elasticity and skin barrier rejuvenation.

Plus, with the power of 9 botanicals and plant ceramides, it soothes and nourishes your skin - giving it everything it needs.

Expert Advice

"The regenerative properties of Immortelle could be linked to its capacity to influence genes involved in skin healing and regeneration. By affecting the epigenome, this oil might enhance the body’s natural ability to repair and renew skin cells."

- Dr. Alessandra Moro Buronzo

Monika M.,founder of Q&G

"Its such nice combination of botanicals that feels almost sinfull while allowing me to go on video calls with nothing on.

And when I'm in the mood for makeup this serum works great as a primer, making everything look and feel fantastic - even when trying new products."

Customer Reviews

Based on 34 reviews
Ne bih ga mijenjala za ništa

Nisam tip koji voli stalno mijenjati proizvode, pa je moja rutina ostala ista – osim što sam dodala ovaj serum. I moram reći, napravio je ogromnu razliku - koža mi je mekša, hidratiziranija i izgleda zdravije nego ikad. Drago mi je da nisam morala mijenjati sve, a opet dobivam super rezultate. Miris je baš poseban, odmah osjetiš da je sve unutra prirodno i zdravo. Mojoj sestri se naravno ne sviđa, ali ona nije fan prirodnog pa to i ne čudi. Ja ga obožavam jer mi daje osjećaj da radim nešto dobro za svoju kožu, i ne bih ga mijenjala za ništa 🥰

Najdraži proizvod!

Zbog blage rozaceje, tražila sam hidratantni serum s umirujućim djelovanjem. Odlučila sam isprobati Q&G serum na preporuku i skroz sam oduševljena 🥰 Već sam potrošila 2 bočice i ne planiram prestati jer mi baš baš odgovara – plus traje i traje iako se svaki dan trackam. Crvenilo na obrazima i perioralni dermatitis s kojim se već dugo borim su sada pod kontrolom, a stanje moga lica je svakim danom sve bolje 🥰 Hvalaa!

Taylor C.
Gotta try this

You've gotta try this out. It smells amazing and leaves your skin super soft and nice. it's like magic for skin blemishes, they're almost gone. Totally worth it.

Brzo upija i ne masti kožu

Bila sam malo skeptična, ali mogu reći da sam ugodno iznenađena. Moram još par dana kontinuirano koristiti, ali za sada mi se čini bolje od svega što imam jer mi koža ujutro izgleda svježije. Miris po smilju (iako mi nešto u tome prevladava, ali još uvijek nisam skužila šta je), ne treba puno staviti, nakon umivanja svega par kapi je dovoljno, brzo upije i nakon toga krema kad se stavi bude stvarno odlično! Ne masti lice, a čak je dobro i par kapi ulja staviti u kremu za lice.

Rebecca Lugo
10/10 stars

It's really toned down the redness. This product is a total 10/10 for me!